31 March 2006

What it all means

After reading some of my daily reads, I feel like I've known some of these bloggers for a long time. I began blogging back in August '05, if I recall correctly.

I've been contemplating these things for the better part of a week, so please, bear with me. I'm writing to say that, as a male clan member in this blogdom, I have quickly grown to admire and appreciate all of the blogs of individuals who are truly striving to live righteous and godly lives. It encourages me to no end to know what wonderful people they all are and how they are raising their own children. It gives me hope in a world that seems intent on expunging God, truth, and right from everyones' minds.

I sincerely appreciate the "choosinghome" blog, Ladies Against Feminism, Amy's Humble Musings, and many others in the same vein. What beauty it is to behold those who are patterning their lives after God's blueprint. We've been studying the "de-Christianization" of America in our Wednesday night class over the last few weeks, and I must admit, it has been an eye-opening experience for me. I see the writings of God-fearing men and women from the early days of our nation, and how they pleaded with God to bless this nation, so long as they humbled themselves before him and recognized their dependence on His providential hand, as well as confessing their own weaknesses and shortcomings, all the while recognizing the exclusive superiority of Christianity above all other religions to bring true salvation and brotherly love to all mankind. I see the emphasis, or rather, the seamlessness of God's Word within these cherished documents, as if each man and woman's vocabulary was founded upon God's Holy Word, and none could speak, but as it were from mouths of righteousness and holiness. God's Word was indeed the foundational bedrock upon which their educational experiences were built.

I see aspects of these same traits in the people who host my favorite blogs, and I am encouraged by it. I realize we all face challenges in our daily walk; in our own personal lives. My sincere gratitude is extended to you all for the example and encouragement you provide to me daily.

I say all of this as I contemplate what the future holds for those precious Winkler children. I can only hope that this does not affect them in an utterly negative way. I was moved to tears this past Sunday as I prayed during our worship assembly that my wife and I, as well as other young families at our congregation can raise our children in the nurture and admonition of God's love, and show them how to genuinely love each other and God's Word.

May we all turn back to Him, the Life-Giver and Sustainer, from Whom ALL blessings flow, and realize the foolish hopelessness in any other.


Blogger At A Hen's Pace said...

Hi Tim,

I'm one of the Choosing Home Ladies--that is, I comment often there.

Just wanted to say thanks for your encouraging, appreciative word! I am so encouraged by the fellowship of other cyberfriends--to think, to grow, and to encourage others to do so.

Thanks for being a great example of expressing appreciation!

31 March, 2006 10:39  
Blogger jettybetty said...

Hi Tim!
We have something in common--we neither are the target audience for ChoosingHome Blog--but we both enjoy it.

I chose home when our kiddos were little and I am thankful there are youngsters warming the fire and supporting those ladies that make that choice now. It's such a well written blog--I think everyone could enjoy it!

Since we are from the same *clan*--we have been concerned about the Winkler children--all very sad.

I looked at your pics of Gracie--what a cutie!!!

31 March, 2006 14:49  

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